June 2000-NAFTA Success High on Presidential Agenda

NAFTA Success High on Presidential Agenda

On June 7, Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo began his ninth and last official visit to the U.S. which served to evaluate the legacy of the Clinton and Zedillo administrations.

Modifications to the Maquiladora Regime

On May 9, 2000, the Ministry of Trade and Industrial Development (SECOFI) issued the Decree to establish diverse Sectoral Promotion Programs for the maquiladora industry.

NAFTA boots the Textile and Apparel Industry

The Mexican textile and apparel industry has experienced impressive growth under NAFTA.

Business News Digest

Scientific-Atlanta will increase manufacturing

TRW Opens New Manufacturing Plant in Santa Rosa, Mexico

Tandycrafts plans to double productions capacity at Mexico plant

State Profiles



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