June 2012 - The Digital Agenda to Better Connecting Mexico

The Digital Agenda to Better Connecting Mexico

Mexico has recently unveiled a government program to boost the information and communication technologies sector growth and narrow the digital gap throughout the country. The National Digital Agenda defines goals and strategies to give Mexico a positive impact on the telecommunications market.

Pouring into the World: Mexico’s Alcoholic Beverages Sector

The alcoholic beverages industry is nowadays one the fastest growing manufacturing sectors in Mexico. As a leading agri-business sector, which is highly integrated to the global economy, the Mexican alcoholic beverages sector contributes significantly to economic growth.

Success Stories

  • Eurocopter will Expand Investment in Mexico
  • Hyundai is Investing in a New Plant in Tijuana
  • Powin/QBF Inaugurated First Plant in Mexico
  • THK Breaks Ground in Guanajuato

State Profiles

  • Colorado
  • Tlaxcala

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