August 2000-Mexico and the U.S. Sign Antitrust Cooperation Agreement

Mexico and the U.S. Sign Antitrust Cooperation Agreement

Mexico’s Secretary of Commerce Herminio Blanco, the U.S. Assistant Attorney General Joel Klein and the Chairman of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Robert Pitofsky signed an antitrust cooperation agreement that will enable the FTC and Mexico’s Federal Competition Commission (FCC) to improve enforcement of both countries’ competition laws.

Investment Ratings Upgraded

As a result of the country’s strong macroeconomic fundamentals and positive growth perspective, the the three major rating agencies have upgraded Mexico’s investment grade status for long term foreign currency debt.

U.S.-Mexico trade in Rubber and Plastics Flourishes under NAFTA

Trade liberalization under NAFTA has meant more business and investment opportunities for the region’s rubber and plastics industry.

Business News Digest

Sony selects Redwood Systems to manage and distribute in Mexico

Viking Freight expands ability to service Tijuana’s Maquiladora market

Mack Trucks begins business in Mexico

State Profiles



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