July - August 2012 - Mexico: Ready and Committed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Mexico: Ready and Committed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a free trade agreement linking nations in the Pacific region, has incredible potential to simultaneously benefit both Mexico and the United States. Understanding the scope of this opportunity, Mexico is ready and committed to engage in TPP negotiations.

The Single Window’s 2nd Phase Further Facilities Mexico’s Trade

In a global economy, making trade between economies easier is increasingly important for business. Therefore, in order to further facilitate how Mexico trades with the rest of the world, the Federal Government launched the Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCEM, Ventanilla Unica de Comercio Exterior Mexicana) in January, 2012. On June 1st, the second phase of this tool began operating.

Success Stories

  • Audi to Invest in New Plant in Mexico
  • Bosch will Increase its Investment in Mexico
  • Delta Expands in Mexico
  • Iberostar to Invest in a New Hotel in Mexico

State Profiles

  • Arkansas
  • Tabasco

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