November 2013 - Mexico Deepens Trade Integration with Panama

Mexico Deepens Trade Integration with Panama

This past May, the leaders of Mexico and Panama decided to strengthen bilateral economic relations with the negotiation of a free trade agreement (FTA). The agreement will allow Mexico to deepen its trade and economic integration with Panama and Central America by promoting greater reciprocal investment flows and at the same time fostering the diversification of Mexican exports.

The Blossoming Fruit Industry in Mexico

Since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect, Mexico’s agricultural industry has undergone an important transformation that has taken it from an economy with domestically consumed agricultural products, to one with a free market where agricultural goods, such as fruits, are successfully exported globally.

Success Stories

  • Chrysler Expands Production Capacity in Mexico
  • Nestle to Build a New Plant in Western Mexico
  • Bridgestone to Invest in Celaya
  • Bosch will Expand Their Investment in Mexico
  • Nagakura MFG will Invest in a New Plant in Zacatecas

State Profiles

  • Zacatecas
  • Rhode Island

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