October 2010 - President Calderon’s Fourth State of the Union Address

President Calderon’s Fourth State of the Union Address

The report presents the actions taken and results obtained by the administration in the previous year. Of special importance were the relevant measures taken for the fostering of economic competitiveness and job creation along with economic and regulatory reforms.

Mexico’s Timeless Textiles Conquering the World
As a result of the world’s textile industry experiencing a substantial increase in competition throughout the last decade, Mexico has been strongly determined to fight back for the global markets.

Success Stories

  • Volkswagen will Build a Engine Plant in Mexico
  • Mexico’s Chedraui Buys Fiesta Foods in Los Angeles
  • Nestlé Announces Investment in Coffee Projects
  • Mubea Invests in a Second Manufacturing Plant in Mexico

State Profiles

  • Montana
  • Jalisco

Mexico 2010 Events
Mexico will be celebrating both the Bicentennial of its independence and the Centennial of its Revolution with a series of exciting events in several cities around the U.S.

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