Mexico Makes substantial Progress in 1996 Toward Full Economic Recovery
Industrial and export growth, early loan repayment to U.S. underscore strength of the rebound.
Mexico Makes substantial Progress in 1996 Toward Full Economic Recovery
Industrial and export growth, early loan repayment to U.S. underscore strength of the rebound.
Mexico Steps Up Deregulation Reforms to Enhance Business Competitiveness
The comprehensive deregulation program launched on year ago by the government of Mexico was fortified by several concrete measures this month.
NAFTA Strengthens the North American Electronics Industry
Production partnerships and increased trade lead the way to a better electronics industry.
Mexico’s Economy Showing Strong Signs of Recovery in 1996
GDP surges more than 7% in the second quarter of 1996 on the strength of continued manufacturing and export growth.
North American Auto Industry Expanding Markets Under NAFTA
U.S., Mexico and Canada automotive partnerships increasing competitiveness, growth and hemispheric sales opportunities in the sector.
Mexico Recovery Spurring Strong U.S. and Mexican Export Growth in 1996
3/4’s of U.S. states and 2/3’s of industry sectors register export increases in first quarter of 1996 according to NAFTA trade figures.
U.S.-Mexico Textile and Apparel Trade Growing with NAFTA
North American production partnerships become increasingly more competitive.
Staying NAFTA’s Course Yields Results for U.S. and Mexico
Latest trade figures confirm agreement’s role in promoting and preserving U.S.-Mexico trade gains.
NAFTA Transforming Production Partnerships
Mexico’s emergence from last year’s economic crisis is being fueled by a rapidly growing export sector, wich increased by 31.2% in 1995. Behind this growth is a fundamental transformation being wrought by NAFTA in both Mexico’s export industries and trading relationships throughout North America.
NAFTA Anniversary Marked by Further Tariff Cuts
On Jan. 1, 1996, NAFTA marked its second anniversary with implementation of the agreement’s third round of sheduled tariff reductions for goods trated between Mexico, the United States and Canada.